Terminology of Markerman and Loftsman

Nowadays  , Shipyard Industries have develop in the world , has advanced rapidly and promises to the world of business. Especially in Batam Riau Islands, Shipyard Industries has begun to exist since developed as an Industrial area.

If we see further into the Shipyard Industries, we will know how many parts are in the industry and many people  need to build a ship or made repairs to a ship.

 Now I will introduce a profession in which the commencement of shipbuilding.

 Structure Draftsman.
Draftsman  is a person who prepares technical drawings and plans under the direction of an architect or engineer. A draftsman should be able to draw in detail about the shape and size of a ship or boat parts. In general, many Draftsman will be in front of the computer. A Draftar Draftman at least have experience of the situation in the field. Sometimes a drawing should be split again into small parts that might be caused of standard facilities in workshops or outside the workshop.

The next process after Draftsman is Markerman. This person is responsible for initiating the process of ship. Marker will be made in accordance with the actual size of the scale of 1: 1. All sizes and shapes in the image will be created on the materials that need. Such as plate, Angle Bar, H-beam and others. Not infrequently, a marker will be a difficult task. And she will consult on Draftsman or above again as engineering or engineering project. 

Not infrequently a Marker is  loftsman well Marker have a lot of work spent in the yard or workshop, loftsman has in the  Mold loft building. In Mold loft building, They will make template of the whole body of the ship. of after-peak to the fore peak. and it all with a scale of 1: 1. Maybe you already can imagine how big the room is in need for a mold loft. We need a big patience to be a marker or loft man, cause it will took a long time to build a ship. Sometime we are in standby time, sometime we will busy to finish some job. You know that sleepy is our real enemy, need some fresh mind, fresh stamina to this job. Some marker or loft man will addicted with coffee and cigarette.

Actually,  i am very confused to determine the suitable word that match with this profession. If I type
'marker', they will show me marker pens, while I need page that tell me about drawing, lay down the point of drawing to be the original size 1:1. Maybe friends can help me to find the match word. I am looking forward to hear from all of you that interested with this.....

1 comment:

  1. Have a look at http://www.leithshipyards.com/mould-loft/lofting.html
    see what a Loftsman used to do!
